- Dr BOZEC Yann, Marine Chemistry Unit-SBR/CNRS - France
High Frequency Monitoring of pCO2 using a CARIOCA sensor on a Marel buoy in a temperate coastal ecosystem: The Bay of Brest (2003-present)
- Ms BRION Emilie, ALTRAN Ouest - France
Estimating the CO2 fluxes over the North Atlantic subtropical basin
- Dr GODDIJN-MURPHY, Environmental Research Institute, Scotland
The derivation of a CO2 fugacity climatology from SOCAT's global in situ data.
- Dr HANAFIN Jenny, CNRS-UBO and IFREMER, France
Comparison of WAVEWATCH-III ® model output whitecap fraction with in situ observations
- Ms Hartman Susan, NOC -UK
Controls on CO2 flux variation at a sustained observatory (PAP-SO) in the northeast Atlantic Ocean
- Dr Ho David, University of Hawaii - USA
Rain-induced gas exchange: When and where does it matter?
- Dr Jones Steve, University of East Anglia -UK
Decadal trends in surface ocean pCO2
- Mr LECKLER Fabien, Laboratoire d'Océanographie Spatiale, IFREMER - France
Wave breaking analysis using stereo video system.
- Dr Lourantou Anna, Laboratoire des Sciences du Climat et de l'Environnement - France
On the assignment of prior ocean flux errors in CO2 atmospheric inversions
- Dr Marandino Christa, GEOMAR - Germany
Interpretation of eddy covariance measurements of CO2 and DMS fluxes and gas transfer coefficients using outputs from the OceanFlux Greenhouse Gases project
- Mr MARREC Pierre, Station Biologique de Roscoff - France
Spatio-temporal dynamics of air-sea CO2 fluxes in the Western English Channel (WEC) based on FerryBox measurements
- Dr Wanninkhof Richard, NOAA/AOML -USA
The NOAA Ship of opportunity pCO2 project
- Dr WOOLF David, Heriot-Watt University
Uncertainty and ambiguity in air-sea gas fluxes; a flexible system in response to a debate on transfer velocity.