

♦ European Space Agency Earth Observation EO

♦ European Space Agency Support To Science Element STSE

♦ Earth observation for ocean-atmosphere interactions science EGU/ESA/SOLAS

♦ International Surface Ocean Lower Atmosphere Study SOLAS

♦ Group for High-Resolution Sea Surface Temperature GHRSST

♦ International Panel on Climate Change IPCC working group I, fourth assessment report, Chapter 5 : "Observations : oceanic climate change and sea level"


Data & Research Centers

♦ The Takahashi et al. climatology (2009 edition) at the Lamont-Doherty Earth Observatory

♦ The Surface Ocean CO2 Atlas SOCAT

♦ The Carbon Dioxide Information Analysis Center CDIAC

♦ The center for satellite exploitation and research CERSAT

♦ The Integrated Ocean WAves for Geophysical and other Applications project IOWAGA

♦ The Marine and Air-Sea Interaction working group of the National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration Earth System Research Laboratory ESRL

♦ The UK National Centre for Earth Observation NCEO, carbon cycle theme

♦ The National Oceanography Centre Waves, Aerosols ans Gas Exchange Study WAGES, see also the University of Leeds WAGES website and the cruise blog

♦ The High Wind Air-Sea Exchanges project HiWASE


Data sources & References

♦ The GlobWave product user guide



♦ The European Space Agency GlobWave project

♦ The World Climate Research Programme Global Energy and Water Cycle Experiment project GEWEX

♦ The Integrated Marine Biogeochemistry and Ecosystem Research project IMBER

♦ The International Ocean Carbon Coordination Project IOCCP

♦ The CarboOcean integrated project

The European Space Agency Pathfinders Ocean-Acidification project

♦ The Global Carbon Project GCP

♦ The European Space Agency SMOS Storm project

♦ The UK NERC Radiatively Active Gases from the North Atlantic RegiOn and Climate Change RAGNARoCC project

♦ The Carbon and Nutrient Dynamics and Fluxes over Shelf Systems CaNDyFloSS project

♦ The ICOS project 

♦ The Euro-Argo ERI program