Journal publications
- Wrobel, I., Piskozub, J. (2016) Effect of gas-transfer velocity parameterization choice on air–sea CO2 fluxes in the North Atlantic Ocean and the European Arctic, Ocean Science, 12, 1091-1103, doi:10.5194/os-12-1091-2016. link
- Ashton IG, Shutler JD, Land PE, Woolf DK, Quartly GD (2016), A Sensitivity Analysis of the Impact of Rain on Regional and Global Sea-Air Fluxes of CO2. PLoS ONE 11(9): e0161105. doi:10.1371/journal.pone.0161105. link
- Shutler JD, Quartly GD, Donlon CJ, Sathyendranath S, Platt T, Chapron B, Johannessen JA, Girard-Ardhuin F., Nightingale PD, Woolf DK, Høyer JL (2016), Progress in satellite remote sensing for studying physical processes at the ocean surface and its borders with the atmosphere and sea ice, Progress in Physical Geography, 40: 215-246, doi:10.1177/0309133316638957. link
- Shutler JD, Land PE, Piolle J-F, Woolf DK, Goddijn-Murphy L, Paul F, Girard-Ardhuin F, Chapron B, Donlon CJ (2016), FluxEngine: a flexible processing system for calculating atmosphere-ocean carbon dioxide gas fluxes and climatologies, Journal of Atmospheric and Oceanic Technology, doi: 10.1175/JTECH-D-14-00204.1. link
- Woolf DK, Land PE, Shutler JD, Goddijn-Murphy LM, Donlon CJ (2016), On the calculation of air-sea fluxes of CO2 in the presence of temperature and salinity gradients, Journal of Geophysical Research-Oceans, doi: 10.1002/2015JC011427. link
- Goddijn-Murphy L, Woolf DK, Callaghan AH, Nightingale PD, Shutler JD (2015), A reconciliation of empirical and mechanistic models of the air-sea gas transfer velocity, Journal of Geophysical Research-Oceans, doi:10.1002/2015JC011096. link
- Goddijn-Murphy, L.M., D.K. Woolf, P.E. Land, J.D. Shutler, C.J. Donlon (2015), The OceanFlux Greenhouse Gases methodology for deriving a sea surface climatology of CO2 fugacity in support of air-sea gas flux studies, Ocean Science, 11, 519-541, doi:10.5194/os-11-519-2015. link
- Rödenbeck, C., Bakker, D. C. E., Gruber, N., Iida, Y., Jacobson, A. R., Jones, S., Landschützer, P., Metzl, N., Nakaoka, S., Olsen, A., Park, G.-H., Peylin, P., Rodgers, K. B., Sasse, T. P., Schuster, U., Shutler, J. D., Valsala, V., Wanninkhof, R., and Zeng, J. (2015) Data-based estimates of the ocean carbon sink variability – first results of the Surface Ocean pCO2 Mapping intercomparison (SOCOM), Biogeosciences, 12, 7251-7278, doi:10.5194/bg-12-7251-2015. link
- Kudryavtsev, V., B. Chapron, and V. Makin (2014), Impact of wind waves on the air-sea fluxes: A coupled model, Journal of Geophysical Research - Oceans, 119, 1217–1236, doi:10.1002/2013JC009412. link
- Land, P.E., J.D. Shutler, R.D. Cowling, D.K. Woolf, P. Walker, H.S. Findlay, R.C. Upstill-Goddard, C.J. Donlon (2013) Climate change impacts on sea–air fluxes of CO2 in three Arctic seas: a sensitivity study using Earth observation, Biogeosciences, 10, 8109-8128, doi:10.5194/bg-10-8109-2013. link
- Goddijn-Murphy, L., D.K. Woolf, B. Chapron, P. Queffeulou (2013) Improvements to estimating the air–sea gas transfer velocity by using dual-frequency, altimeter backscatter, Remote Sensing of Environment, 139, 1-5, doi:10.1016/j.rse.2013.07.026. link
- Goddijn-Murphy, L., D.K. Woolf, C. Marandino (2012) Space-based retrievals of air-sea gas transfer velocities using altimeters: Calibration for dimethyl sulfide, Journal of Geophysical Research, 117, C08028, doi:10.1029/2011JC007535. link
Brochure of the project
First project final report
Workshop 2013 Minutes Document
The OceanFlux Greenhouse Gases Evolution project Reference Baseline report
The Scientific Impact Assessment Report deliverable
Workshop 2016 Minutes Document
Conference presentations
♦ Woolf, D., J. Shutler, B. Chapron, M. Yelland, C. Donlon. The OceanFlux Greenhouse Gases project. SOLAS Open Science Conference, Cle Elum, WS, USA. 7-10 May 2012. Poster. SOLAS_ESA_meeting_2012_OceanFlux
♦ Goddijn-Murphy, L.M., D. K. Woolf. Using satellite altimeters for oceanic gas transfer observations. UHI Research Conference: Mapping the Past and Charting the Future. 7th – 9th November, 2012, Inverness, Scotland. Conference talk.
♦ Goddijn-Murphy, L.M., D.K Woolf, P.E Land, J.D. Shutler. The derivation of a CO2 fugacity climatology from SOCAT’s global in situ data.
♦ Woolf, D.K., L.M. Goddijn-Murphy, J. Prytherch, M.J. Yelland, P.D. Nightingale, J.D. Shutler, J-F. Piolle, J. Hanafin, B. Chapron. Appropriate treatment of uncertainty and ambiguity; a flexible system for climatological calculations in response to a debate on transfer velocity.
♦ Quartly, G.D., J.D. Shutler, D.K. Woolf. Joint distributions of waves and rain
♦ High resolution diagnostic data set system. Poster. poster_system
♦ Land, P., J. Shutler. Towards better air-sea gas fluxes : achievements of the ESA Oceanflux Greenhouse Gases project. ESA-SOLAS Earth observation for ocean-atmosphere interactions science, 28-31 October 2014, ESA-ESRIN, Frascati, Italy. Conference talk
♦ Sabia, R. Preparatory activities to estimate surface ocean pH from satellite observations. ESA-SOLAS Earth observation for ocean-atmosphere interactions science, 28-31 October 2014, ESA-ESRIN, Frascati, Italy. Conference talk
♦ Wrobel, I., J. Piskozub.Regional scale climatology of global change carbon dioxide flux on the ocean surfacefor North Atlantic and the Arctic.IUGG General Assembly, June 22-July 2 2015, Prague, the Czech Republic. Conference talk