Session 1 : Updates from International initiatives
Ward, B.: Surface Ocean Lower Atmosphere Study (SOLAS): Air-sea interface and fluxes of mass and energy
Johannessen T. : ICOS Ocean Thematic Center a tool to secure long term funding for ocean carbon system observation systems
Bakker D. : The Surface Ocean CO2 Atlas (SOCAT) enables quantification of the ocean carbon sink and ocean acidification
Shutler J.: The ESA OceanFlux Greenhouse Gases Evolution project
Session 2 : Regional processes in time and space
Bell T. : DMS emissions from coral exposed to air
Schlunegger S. : Strengthening trade winds and an enhanced Equatorial Pacific carbon source
Ribas Ribas M. : Filling the gap of in situ CO2 fluxes during low wind conditions
Shutler J. : The other CO2 problem from a different angle: Studying Ocean Acidification using satellite Earth observation
Session 3 : Resolving differences and exploiting linkages between regional and global air-sea exchange
Ho D. : Are open-ocean wind speed/gas exchange parameterizations applicable to coastal and inland waters?
Klein A. : On the fetch dependency of air-water gas exchange
Woolf D. : The importance and challenges of regional scale analyses
Boutin J. : Hourly to decadal variability of sea surface carbon parameters in the north western Mediterranean Sea
Wanninkhof R. : The effect of changing wind speeds on global air-sea CO2 fluxes
Roedenbeck C. : Constraining sea-air CO2 fluxes from surface-ocean carbon data
Session 4 : Posters session
see posters here