Asseray M., M.N. Bouin, J.L. Redelsperger, L. Marié, D. Bourras, V. Garnier. Impact of a SST front on the atmospheric boundary layer and turbulent surface fluxes.
Bettenhausen M.H., S.J. Norris, I.M. Brooks, I.B. Saveleyev, J. Prytherch, M.D. Anguelova, M.J. Yelland, R.W. Pascal, D.J. Salisbury. Empirical model for sea spray production.
Brown R., Y. Feng, K. Suara, C. Wang, H. Fairweather, R. Sidle, A. McCallum, M. Borgas, H. Chanson. Use of drifter technology for scalar transport monitoring in estuaries and rivers.
Keraghel M.A., F. Louanchi. Annual cycle reconstitution of pCO2 over the Western Mediterranean for the year 2011.
Pineau-Guillou L., F. Ardhuin, M.N. Bouin, J.L. Redelsperger, B. Chapron, J. Bidlot. Sensitivity to wind stress formulation in a coupled wave-atmosphere model.
Wilson S.T., H.W. Bange and members of SCOR WG#143. Dissolved N2O and CH4 measurements: working towards a global network of ocean time series measurements of N2O and CH4 .